ZP HoReCa – Związek Pracodawców Hoteli, Restauracji i Cateringu



Pijalnie Czekolady E.Wedel

Pijalnie Czekolady E.Wedel (E. Wedel Chocolate Lounges) date back to 1851 when Karol Ernest Wedel, a young confectioner from Berlin, came to Warsaw and opened a chocolate and caramel shop at Miodowa street. In 1894 Karol’s son named Emil moved the shop and factory to a new tenement at Szpitalna street.  From then on, the building has hosted the oldest shop and cafeteria by E. Wedel, i.e. “Staroświecki Sklep” (Old-fashioned shop) Chocolate Lounge. More chocolateries have been opened since 2004. Each of them offers the magic of chocolate and unique atmosphere. Apart from exceptional drinking chocolates, other sweets adored by chocolate lovers are offered, including a variety of desserts as well as hand-made pralines, all produced with passion and under the vigilant eye of Janusz Profus, the Chocolate Maestro. There are currently 24 Chocolate Lounges in Poland, i.e. in Białystok, Gdańsk, Katowice, Kraków, Łódź, Nałęczów, Poznań, Sopot, Warsaw, Wrocław and Zakopane.


Association of Employers HoReCa

e-mail: biuro@zphoreca.pl

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